In memory of
LEHMANN, Lorna Edna
On 17th February at Hamilton of Tarrington aged 93 years.
Dearly beloved wife of the late Leslie.
Loved and loving mother of Kay, Jenny, Heather, Robyn Carolyn, Susan and Tania.
Mum’s faith in our Lord and Saviour was woven into her life, and she gently touched the hearts and lives of many. She will be greatly missed.
She was a loving and much-loved Mum of Kay and Dave; Nanna of Tim and Laura, and Great-Nanna to Abby.
Now resting in the arms of Jesus who invites us, “Come unto me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28 NIV)
Loved mother to Jenny Lane and Geoff ( dec)
Nanna to Nicole and Shaun, Lisa
Great Nanna to Maxwell
Reunited with Dad
Resting in peace
Dearly loved mother and mother in law to Heather and Rob.
Loved Nana and great Nana to
Shane, Tanner, Scarlett and Harvey.
Richard, Sarah, Luca and Emily
Kellie, Lachlan, Flynn and Felix
Now at rest forever in the loving arms of her Lord and Saviour in his heavenly garden.
Mum and Dad reunited again.
Mum. You weren’t only my Mum, you were my world! Your love and support over the years was greatly appreciated. You will be sadly missed by us all.
Loved mother to Robyn, Mother-In-Law and Godmother to Mark, special Nanna to Fiona & Josh Hudson, Leigh, Andrea & Andrew Rizzoli, Great Nanna to India, Aspen & Noah.
Now in God’s Care.
The Lord is my Shepherd. Psalm 23
Lorna Lehmann
“Your presence we’ll miss, our memories we treasure.
Gone home to God and forever loved”
Carolyn and Ian Schulz
“Mum loved her family, growing things in her garden, and faithfully serving her Lord.
Devoted mother to Susie Stevenson, mother-in-law to Mark, Nanna to Daniel, Lauren and Ben; Great-nanna to Theo & George.
‘I can do everything through Him who gives me strength’ Philippians 4:13”
“Honour her for all that her hands have done and let her works bring her praise at the city gate”- Proverbs 31:31.
May God’s love hold us steadfast as we remember the blessing of our dear Mum and Nanna.
Loving Mother of Tania, Mother-in-law to Jason, Nanna to Holly (Dec) and Grace xxx