In memory of
LANG, Phyllis Edna (nee Jackson)
01/05/1936 – 23/08/2021
Dearly loved and dedicated wife of Carl for 57 years.
Loved and loving mother and mother-in-law of Jacinta and Mark Waddington; Brendan and Lynne; Ashley and Debbie.
Adored and cherished Nan to Declan, Elijah (dec.), Tadhg and Matilda; Jake, Mitch and Lauren; Ruby and Haimish.
A life well lived, selflessly devoted to your family.
At eternal rest with Edna, John, Elijah and her beloved family from Gulgong.
Mum you were a rare example of true selflessness, always putting the needs of your family ahead of your own. You were strong, fiercely determined and courageous until your last breath. You will live on in our hearts forever and will always be remembered with love.
Jacinta, Mark, Declan, Elijah (dec.), Tadhg and Matilda.
Lynne and Brendan
Mum, Nanna
The smell of apple pie and roast with all the trimmings will never be the same. We thank you for the love, passion and courage you had for life and all you taught us. We will hold on to and cherish the memories we have shared with you.
Safe in the arms of God until we meet again.
All our love
Ashley, Debbie, Jake, Mitch and Ruby
A private Funeral Mass for the life of Phyllis Edna Lang will be celebrated at the St Mary’s Catholic Church Hamilton followed by private burial at Hamilton Lawn Cemetery.
The service can be viewed online at
This page will be available from Friday 27th August.
HAMILTON (03) 55721053